Wednesday 15 February 2012

Favourite Songs

These are some of my favourite songs:

Paradise by Coldplay.

What makes you beautiful by One Direction

That don't impress me
much by Shania Twain

Imagine by John Lennon

And my favourite, not by a real artist, nevertheless
still my favourite-
asdf movie song,
I Like Trains!

Original paintings

I EXIBITED these canvas paintings in October 2010 as an extra to my mum's exhibitition. Please comment.

This painting is called "Fantacy Elephant" i gave
it AbNOrMal colours to make it stand out. It is probably my 
favourite one of these.

This is indeed a "Crazy experiment" a scientist
is just experimenting mixing two chemicals together
when Boom! The chemicals react, blowing the 
curtain away, revealing an invention and making the scientist's hair stand on end.


I painted a backgrond, printed out parts of photos and stuck them on to make..."Dream".  


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Superhero Script



M.M= Mathematics Man

L.L= Literacy Lady

E.Dr.Ns=Evil Dr No School

Probably the shortest battle ever!

M.M: Now he is standing in front of us torturing us with his laser arm. Suddenly..... 


          WHOA! I just dodged Evil Dr. no schools laser ray.

          I’m Mathematics man and this is my sidekick literacy lady.

L.L :    Sidekick?

M.M: okay partner

L.L :    not enough

M.M    errrrrrrrrn.....

L.L:     I’m your G-I-R-L-F-R....

M.M: don’t start. Quick !  


M.M: Honestly, do I have to tell you everything?

L.L:         Oh, sorry.

E.Dr.Ns: This is the end of your mischief mathematics man and literacy lady

L.L:     I think you are the one making all the mischief evil Dr. No


E.Dr.Ns:  Shut up talking pile of dirt you call a superhero

L.L:  Who are you calling a pile of dirt?

E.Dr.NS:  (snort) look at you standing there in your stupid stilts.. You look ridiculous, let me do a favour and cut them shorter for you. You can’t go out in the public like that, they’ll laugh at you.


L.L: NO!

                                      SNAP! THUD!

M.M: “No one messes with my girl” I whispered to my self quietly because;

I didn’t want to get called a pile of dirt’s boyfriend and

I didn’t want Li Lay (my nickname for literacy lady) to hear the “my girl” bit.

I typed in a code 2...6...8...4... I quickly reminded myself.

E.DrNS: Defending your girlfriend? romantic...

 Wrrrrrrrrr..... spluttered my code panel,

”ha” Sneered Evil Dr. No school


E.Dr.NS:  Pa!


 E.Dr.NS:  So?......,


 E.Dr.NS:  Huh?

                        ZOOM! CLANG!

 E.Dr.NS:  OOF!

M.M: Who’s laughing now Evil Dr. No brain!

E.Dr.NS:  (in a strangled sort of voice) “I’ll get you someday”

M.M: Oh, boo hoo you’re so easy to battle with. One blow and you’re down.

Li lay, who’s been lying down dizzy, finally recovered, blinked and then said....What happened smoochy woochy?(her old nickname for me)

“No time to explain” I said. “We need to go” thinking how much I hated that nickname (but I never told Li lay in case of hurting her feelings)

We rushed off before Evil brain (I had decided that was his new nickname) got up again. “good work Li lay”, I congratulated her.

L.L: “But I didn’t do anything except say a few words; you must have done all the fighting.

“He was down in one strike” I boasted, feeling very proud of myself.

L.L:  “Oohh, and one more thing,

M.M:  What’s that?

L.L: DON’T CALL ME LI LAY! (huff, huff, puff, puff)

Did I mention she hates that name?

Monday 13 February 2012

My bros and me

This page is about my 2 little brothers.

They can be a little annoying, sometimes we all play together and sometimes we fall out. As you can see,
I seem to be on the smallest guy's side (three year old Blue boy) but that's just because otherwise he attacks us and throws tantrums.The 5 year old (Lava lad) is much kinder but can be a bit too silly and overactive at times. (really embarrassing)

There's a cue when I start being bossy!!!

Graphic Art

These are some pictures I made on the computer. Please leave your thoughts...

The Terrific Three

This is "The Terrific Three" superhero versions of me and my bros. It's a comic I made about them. You can read it and please leave a comment.


Hi, I'm Nuyara (you can call me Green Girl). 
I'm 9 years old and I love: 

  • writing stories
  • drawing pictures 
  • and creating things 
so I thought I would share them with anyone and everyone who enjoys those things too.