Saturday 31 March 2012

My Chocolate Shop poem

This year at school we all have to write a chocolate shop poem for the divine chocolate competition. It's our homework for term holidays.
This is my poem that I just wrote today:

C link! goes the bell as I enter the shop.
H undreds of kinds of chocolate, jars and jars of them.
O h, so hard to choose from.
C hocolate as white as snow,
O pposed to chocolate as dark as an underground cave.
L ittle I hate.
A pound to spend.
T he shopkeeper is getting impatient
E verybody else has left

S wirls of this, blocks of that.
H eaven is where I'm standing.
O h, I've found my favourite...
P arents drag me away.

The kind of poem is called an "Acrostic poem". Do you like it?