Saturday 31 March 2012

My Chocolate Shop poem

This year at school we all have to write a chocolate shop poem for the divine chocolate competition. It's our homework for term holidays.
This is my poem that I just wrote today:

C link! goes the bell as I enter the shop.
H undreds of kinds of chocolate, jars and jars of them.
O h, so hard to choose from.
C hocolate as white as snow,
O pposed to chocolate as dark as an underground cave.
L ittle I hate.
A pound to spend.
T he shopkeeper is getting impatient
E verybody else has left

S wirls of this, blocks of that.
H eaven is where I'm standing.
O h, I've found my favourite...
P arents drag me away.

The kind of poem is called an "Acrostic poem". Do you like it?


  1. It is really really good. Keep it up

  2. thats how i feel when i try to choose chocolates

    1. did you do a poem for that competition Georgina?

    2. who are you talking about?

    3. You're not Georgina? Are you the same person who did the other anonymous comment?

  3. Hello? can you please just tell me who you are?
